
1. Delicate and tender; 2. It is the name of a Kurdish song.


The name of one of the kings of Iran, known as Nawshirwan the Just.




The name of a spring in the Great Awyar in Sna.


Pomegranate, a fruit that is good for purifying the blood and is abundant in cold and mountainous areas of Kurdistan. The roots are used for medicine and the bark for dye; Hawraman and Sharaban pomegranates are famous; It is also common in Kurdish songs and refers to the women's breast.


1. An ancient word in the Zoroastrian Gathas meaning fire; 2. Delicate, thin, shy woman; 3. Sad songs; 4. It was the name of a dam west of Baghdad in the Kut region, built during the Sassanid period; Ibn Rustam in his book Al-Aghlaq al-Nafsiya mentions the city of Kut before Islam on this dam and says: that Kut was inhabited by Faili Kurds who lived there. See Nairi.


1. Dance; 2. A piece that the first person of the dance group holds in Kurdish dance; 3. A rhythm in Kurdish that Iraqi Arabs have registered in their names and call it Chopi!! 4. A famous Kurdish singer from Kirkuk (Ms. Chopi).

Zhaman/ Jaman

1. Church bells; 2. The name of a village in North Kurdistan.


Gatherings for celebrations, parties, and dances on ceremonies and occasions.


The plant grows in early spring and has white flowers and a pleasant smell. It has no smell during the day and after sunset till morning, it smells.

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